What Is An API ?

- Application Program Interface
- APIs Are Everywhere
- Contract provided by one piece of software to another software
- Structured request and response

What Is REST ?

- Representational State Transfer
- Architecture style for designing networked applications
- Relies on a stateless, client-server protocol, almost always HTTP
- Treats server objects as resources that can be created or destroyed
- Can be used by virtually any programming language

HTTP Methods

- GET: Retrieve data from a specified resource
- POST: Submit data to be processed to a specified resource
- PUT: Update a specified resource
- DELETE: Delete a specified resource

- HEAD: Same as get but does not return a body
- OPTIONS: Returns the supported HTTP methods 
- PATCH: Update partial resources


The URI/URL where api/service can be accessed by a client application

- GET: https://khmerside.xyz/api/users
- GET: https://khmerside.xyz/api/users/1 OR https://khmerside.xyz/api/users/details/1
- POST: https://khmerside.xyz/api/users
- PUT: https://khmerside.xyz/api/users/1 OR https://khmerside.xyz/api/users/update/1
- DELETE: https://khmerside.xyz/api/users/1 OR https://khmerside.xyz/api/users/delete/1


Some API's require authentication to use their service. This could be free or paid

curl -H "Authorization:token OAUTH-TOKEN" https://api.github.com
curl https://api.github.com/?access_token=OAUTH-TOKEN
curl 'https://api.github.com/users/whatever?client_id=xxxx&client_secret=yyyyy'

Try to use postman for api testing

Now I will test api to call github user api


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