Spring 5 - Getting Start with Spring WebFlux Framework

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In this video, I will show how to get start with Spring 5 WebFlux Framework

Why was Spring WebFlux created?

Spring WebFlux is used for denoting the Reactive programming support in Spring's web layer. It provides support for both creating reactive, server-based web applications and also has client libraries to make remote REST calls.

Part of the answer is the need for a non-blocking web stack to handle concurrency with a small number of threads and scale with fewer hardware resources. Servlet 3.1 did provide an API for non-blocking I/O. However, using it leads away from the rest of the Servlet API, where contracts are synchronous (Filter, Servlet) or blocking (getParameter, getPart). This was the motivation for a new common API to serve as a foundation across any non-blocking runtime. That is important because of servers (such as Netty) that are well-established in the async, non-blocking space.

The other part of the answer is functional programming. Much as the addition of annotations in Java 5 created opportunities (such as annotated REST controllers or unit tests), the addition of lambda expressions in Java 8 created opportunities for functional APIs in Java. This is a boon for non-blocking applications and continuation-style APIs (as popularized by CompletableFuture and ReactiveX) that allow declarative composition of asynchronous logic. At the programming-model level, Java 8 enabled Spring WebFlux to offer functional web endpoints alongside annotated controllers.

Hope this video can bring you with new idea and happy day...

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