Let's Know The Definitions of Ransomware Attacks

Credit Image: securitymagazine

Let's know the different types of ransomware and the dangers of each one. You’ll learn how ransomware works and what each various attack is seeking to accomplish. We’ll also put things into context in terms of real-world attacks like the recent one affecting Colonial Pipeline. And with a handy glossary at the end, you’ll be well informed and equipped with all the information you need about how ransomware works.

Ransomware attacks can result in significant loss of data, system functionality, and financial resources. But exactly what is ransomware? Ransomware can take a variety of shapes and forms, not to mention that attackers are constantly evolving and adapting over time. Organizations need to be well-informed about various types of ransomware to put the proper safeguards in place.

What is Ransomware?

Ransomware is a special type of virus or malware primarily designed to disable critical systems or prevent sensitive data access unless financial remuneration is made. For example, a ransomware attack on a hospital might lock out doctors or administrators from accessing patient records they need on a continual basis. The attacker might then send out a system-wide message demanding payment in order to restore access.

On a high level, ransomware uses cryptography to encrypt and decrypt files. The malware encrypts access to systems or files, only granting a special private key when a ransom is collected. In short, ransomware keeps organizations from operating unless the attacker is sent payment. Hackers can also encrypt sensitive or private information, threatening to release it unless compensated.

How Does Ransomware Work?

For a ransomware attack to occur, malware must first gain access to the system, usually via a single computer terminal. This often occurs using a phishing attack, where users are sent files or attachments that appear trustworthy. But when the user opens or downloads the file, the malware is released on the terminal. In sophisticated attacks, malicious software can even unlock advanced administrative access, compromising the system even further.

The most common form of ransomware immediately encrypts the user’s — or entire system’s — files. The mathematical key to unlock the files is known only to the attacker, who will agree to release them once payment is made. Oftentimes this is through a wire transfer to an offshore bank or an untraceable cryptocurrency payment to a specified wallet. Another variation called Leakware steals confidential data and threatens to release that information to the public, business competitors, or law enforcement unless payment is made.

In short, ransomware invades a computer or entire system at which point the organization is held hostage until they pay the ransom to the attacker.

Who is Targeted by Ransomware?

Ransomware attackers select their targets depending on a variety of factors. In some instances, attackers simply select weak targets. Either they’ve scouted a particular organization and know that its cyber defenses are sub-optimal, or choose a certain industry because of traditionally poor cybersecurity. Universities, for instance, make good targets because their security teams are smaller and conduct massive file sharing, providing hackers with a high number of endpoints to exploit.

Other times, ransomware attackers go after companies or governments that they feel are most able or likely to pay the ransom. Large corporations like Sony — the victim of one of the largest ransomware attacks in history — or governments typically have the funds and will most often pay out of necessity. Other institutions like hospitals are also likely to pay simply because lives are quite literally on the line if their systems are down for prolonged periods of time.

Finally, ransomware hackers will go after organizations they know have sensitive information that might be damaging if released to the general public. Files or data about legal proceedings or confidential intellectual property are targeted, and companies often hand over money to ensure those details aren’t made public. The financial damage that an entity would incur in many instances far exceeds the ransom payment, making these instances extremely profitable for ransomware actors.

Types of Ransomware

Ransomware comes in many different forms, has evolved over the years, and continues to morph in order to avoid modern cybersecurity measures.

Here are some of the main types of ransomware that you should be aware of:

Locker Ransomware

This kind of malware locks systems and devices from performing basic functions. Keyboard and mouse functions may be disabled or login privileges denied. Users can typically interact with the device insofar as the attack lets them in order to make a ransom payment. Locky is one of the most common locker malware. The good news is that Locker attacks don’t aim to destroy or compromise data. Only to extract funds to restore functionality.

Crypto Ransomware

These attacks aim to encrypt important data such as documents, videos, or photos. While basic system functionality still exists, users are unable to access the files they normally do. Only the attackers have the cryptographic keys to restore access upon payment. Crypto attacks can also come with countdown timers, indicating that if payment isn’t made by the time the clock hits zero, all files will be deleted. 


In these attacks, malware infects a system or devices and then poses as a legitimate alert, claiming to detect some other form of virus or malfunction. It then prompts the user to make a payment to a fake service or company to resolve the issue. It’s called Scareware because users often get scared into thinking there is a real issue and remitting payment, not knowing that the entire ordeal is a ransomware scam. All employees and staff should be trained on how to spot scareware and what to do if they suspect an attack.


These attacks threaten to distribute confidential or sensitive information online or leak them to various third parties. Doxware attacks can be highly effective, as mentioned because companies often see more financial damage taking place from leaked information than the ransom amount. Some information is so sensitive that it may even threaten the very existence of a business, making Doxware attacks extremely dangerous. Therefore, installing adequate data protection measures up-front is of the utmost importance for businesses.

Ransomware-as-a-Service (RaaS)

This emerging type of ransomware functions almost exactly like Software-as-a-Service. The malicious actor doesn’t need any real technical skills, they simply purchase the ransomware over the dark web and pay a monthly subscription fee for its use. Attackers can then simply log in to the service, select targets, conduct hacks, and receive payments all through one interface. 

How to Remove Ransomware

If you do fall victim to a ransomware attack, there are steps you can take to neutralize the malware and potentially remove it from your system. The first step is to immediately disconnect devices and systems from the internet. This includes wireless devices, external hard drives, storage media, and cloud accounts. Complete disconnection can prevent the spread of ransomware within your network. 

Next, you’ll need to perform a complete virus scan of your systems and devices using whatever internet security software you’re using. This will help you identify the threat and quarantine the malicious software before it can take further action like device locking or file destruction. You can then delete those files and programs automatically using your software or on a manual basis if necessary.

In the event of a crypto-ransomware attack, you’ll need to employ a decryption tool to regain access to your data. Once you decrypt your files, the attacker loses all leverage to extort you financially. And in the event of Lockerware, users should restart their devices in Safe Mode. Doing this can sometimes bypass the malware, letting users navigate to the anti-virus programs on their desktop to quarantine and remove the malware.

From varonis.

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