Learn the Basics of how to use FL Studio 20 for Mac + PC in this FL Studio Beginner's Course
What you'll learn
- Learn the Basic Workflow of FL Studio 20
Learn the Basics of how to Create a Drum Beat in the Channel Rack
Learn how to Arrange Beats into more of a Song in the Playlist
- Learn the Basics of How to use the Mixer in FL Studio
- Learn the Essentials of Exporting your Song
- FL Studio 20 software
- A Working PC, Laptop, iMac or MacBook
Basic Music Production skills are desirable, but not necessary
- Must be willing to Learn!
Learn the Basics of How to Use FL Studio 20 in this Beginner's Course
This course is all about FL Studio 20; a powerful piece of Music Production
software. It is a Digital Audio Workstation for Windows and Mac OS X.
FL Studio is used by bedroom producers and in professional studios
worldwide. Learning how to use this DAW correctly will dramatically improve
the quality of your music and the speed you create it!
What is this FL Studio 20 Beginner's Course all about?
In this course, you learn the essentials of how to use FL Studio 20. You
will learn the basics so you can understand the workflow and navigate
yourself around this software.
In this beginner's course we'll look at:
• A Brief Overview of the Main Interface of FL Studio
• Audio vs MIDI
• Essential MIDI and Audio Settings to get you Started
• A Brief Overview of the Browser in FL Studio
• A Overview of the Channel Rack
• How to Create a Drum Beat in the Channel Rack
• The Essentials of the Piano Roll
• How to Arrange a Beat in the Playlist
• How to Quickly Record MIDI in the Playlist
• The Basics of how to use the Mixer
• A Quick look at Reverb and the 3 Band EQ
• The Basics of how to use Automation Clips
• And Exporting Essentials
What you'll learn in this FL Studio beginner's course will help you
understand the workflow of FL Studio, so you can learn how to create music
in this software
If you are looking for a course that will show you the basics of how to use
FL Studio 20, then this is the course for you!
What makes us qualified to teach you?
Tomas George has a MMus Masters Degree in Music Production and a BA(Hons)
Degree in Music Composition. He is also the creator of some of the world's
most popular music production courses - with over 280,000 students and
thousands of 5-star reviews.
Go ahead and click the enroll button, and I'll see you in lesson 1!
Who this course is for:
Anyone who wants to learn the basics of how to use FL Studio
Those interested in creating their own music in FL Studio
- DJs who want to start producing their own music
Songwriters who want to record in their ideas in FL Studio
- Anyone who may be interested in switching to FL Studio 20 from another DAW