KNIME for beginners "A Practical Insight"


What you'll learn

  • To create visual workflows for data analytics with an intuitive, drag and drop style graphical interface

  • To model each step of your data analysis, control the flow of data, and ensure work is always current.

  • To provide analytical reports to the top management for strategic planning and implementation

  • To know the art of big data analysis and to practically make use of the available data in a useful manner


  • KNIME is a platform that can help us solve any problem that we could possibly think of, in the boundaries of data science today. Topics that range from the most basic visualizations or linear regressions to advanced deep learning, KNIME can do it all.


KNIME helps individuals and organizations make sense of data. KNIME Software bridges the worlds of dashboards and advanced analytics. Welcome to the course on KNIME for beginners "A practical Insight" This course will help the users explore the KNIME software, understand its different features, help in performing small to complicated analysis. In addition, the course will give a hands on practical experience to explore different dataset's. This course will guide the users to different repositories and also provide an opportunity to critically think, provide practical solutions for organizational growth and development. KNIME is most suitable for different organizations and departments where the available data can be converted into meaningful insights for growth and sustainability. KNIME allows users to visually create data flows (or pipelines), selectively execute some or all analysis steps, and later inspect the results, models, using interactive widgets and views. The KNIME platform is an open platform where there are no barriers during usage and provides the visualizes and insights to execute their operations efficiently. It helps in taking the decision wisely and working efficiently. The platform blends the data from any source and shapes them according to the usage of them in the operations. It also leverages machine learning and AI. It also assists in sharing insights and discovering the facts and information related to business activities. An individual can easily access and deploy the KNIME analytics by using the nodes and taking the courses at a different level. With the advanced machine learning algorithms, one can take the knowledge for operations. KNIME provides a lot of freedom for the users to play with the data which is available with them. Individuals have to first learn the basics in KNIME and then start exploring by themselves.

Who this course is for:

  • This course on "KNIME for beginners: A Practical Insight" is designed for those who are interested in basic big data analysis and passionate about data science. The course contains video lectures and interesting quiz related to KNIME basics. The course will cover topics on: Introduction to KNIME, Establishing workflow and project, File reader, Row and column filter, Aggregation and concatenation, Group by option and usage of multiple nodes in a single workflow. The beginners will be able to explore KNIME and know the different features of this software by the end of this course. Hence, this course is only for beginners who would like to jumpstart with KNIME.

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