Reactor RabbitMQ in your Reactive Spring Boot Application — Part 4 Final

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Reactor RabbitMQ in your Reactive Spring Boot Application — Part 4 Final


This the final part of this tutorial: I'm working on receiver service module which is the last part of this tutorial. The project structure is very similar to sender module.

Receiver Project Structure Module

Microservice Architecture with RabbitMQ

Microservice Architecture with RabbitMQ

I have implemented the receiver rabbitmq configuration named as RabbitMQReceiverConfiguration.

Receiver RabbitMQ configuration

I have created two model classes product & order product same as in Sender Service. 
We don’t need to create router and handler functions but eventually, for the application, you would need to expose other endpoints. What we need is to set up a service that will be consuming and listening to the RabbitMQ. So I have implemented the service named as ProderOrderService.

There are a few things to do in Service class.

* Listen to the queue
* Deserialize byte to JSON
* Deserialize JSON to the Order object
* Do your business logic, you can save the object in your database for example.
* Close connection

// Make sure to close the connection before the program is finished
public void close() throws IOException {

Consume message from the sender queue

In this service class, we use @PostConstruct, so it will listen to RabbitMQ as soon as the service is up. Using the @PostConstruct we can call our consume method after the dependency injection is done.

// Listen to RabbitMQ as soon as this service is up
private void init() {

And we close the connection before the program is finished by using @PreDestroy to close connection.

In Part 1: 

I have built spring boot project from scratch. And I will categorize with 3 module: First module is parent pom module as wrapper project, 
second is the sender module for sender service to send message to rabbitmq broker and the last one is the receiver module for receiver queue message 
from rabbitmq broker. 

In Part 2: 

I have implemented RabbitMQ configuration for the sender. And I have create the connection, senderOptions, and sender beans.

I have used Router configuration to use Spring Webflux to its full potential I believe it is better to move away from the controller 
annotation-based and move towards using functions to route and handle requests. 
And I have talked about what is Spring WebFlux?

I have created model and service for sending message queue to rabbitMQ.
The product order model, is made of a collection of products and also has a total cost associated with it. Because this total cost is calculated when the object is created it makes sense to create a Product DTO with a flat structure that will be used to transport the data from the client to the server and will only calculate the total value after the object has been validated.

I have created product service in order to create sender method to send message queue.
The queue message in RabbitMQ Broker named as "spring-reactive-queue"

I have created product handler service to receive POST request from the router.
The purpose of this handler is to take the server request coming from the router functions so that we can extract any information that the request may have, call our service for the business logic and eventually return a server response for the client.

I have created senderOrder method is to extract the JSON object from the server request. With the DTO extracted we can send it to the service and then finally return the server response with a 201 status and the mono order inside the body.

In Part 3: 

I have worked on setting sender properties port and implemented close connection in main application. 
I have run project demo to send message queue with application on the sender service that I have already implemented from part 1 & 2.
I have demonstrated about how to build rabbitmq image on docker service and run service on localhost. I have request sender service to send message queue and store queue on rabbitmq message queue.


is a message broker: it accepts and forwards messages. You can think about it as a post office: when you put the mail that you want posting in a post box, you can be sure that the letter carrier will eventually deliver the mail to your recipient. In this analogy, RabbitMQ is a post box, a post office, and a letter carrier.

Message Broker

It is an intermediary computer program that applications and services use to exchange information with each other. It can be used to store, deliver and route messages. It is important to understand that it is an intermediary computer program. This means that it doesn’t know if the services are online or offline and doesn’t know how many recipients there are, but it still ensures that the recipients receive the messages.

RabbitMQ Message Broker Diagram


The messages received from the producers will be kept in a message queue, and as soon as the consumers are ready to receive them, they will consume the messages. That is how the message broker ensures that the recipient receives a given message.

To Run Application: 

- Firstly, you need start up RabbitMQ service by running and build image on docker service.
- Secondly, run our sender service application as we have done in part 3,
- Lastly, run our receiver service application and get ready to consume the message that we stored before.

RabbitMQ image running on docker on localhost

Request Sender Message via Postman

Request Send message queue

RabbitMQ running on localhost

One message queue is storing in rabbitmq queue.

RabbitMQ Queue Message

That's it. We're Done..

Hope this video can bring you with new idea and happy day...
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This tutorial has been created to help you understand RabbitMQ, Spring WebFlux, and finally Reactive RabbitMQ.
If you ever have to implement the Reactive RabbitMQ but you can’t remember exactly how to do it, just remember to check this tutorial from the beginning.

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