Spring Boot: Filter vs. Interceptor

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Spring Context vs. Web Container Diagram

What is a Servlet?

It is a Java class that is used to extend the capabilities of servers that host applications accessed by means of a request-response programming model.

Java Servlet technology defines HTTP-specific servlet classes. The javax.servlet and javax.servlet.http packages provide interfaces and classes for writing servlets. Servlet in “javax.servlet” package declares three essential methods for the life cycle of a servlet — init(), service(), and destroy().

What is a Servlet Container?

Servlets run in a servlet container which handles the networking side (e.g. parsing an HTTP request, connection handling etc). Tomcat is the most popular one.


It is a Java class which is executed by the servlet container for each incoming HTTP request and for each HTTP response.

Requests always first pass through Filter instances, before reaching a Servlet.

If you have multiple custom filters in your application, you can define the order with “@Order” annotation.

  • init(FilterConfig config) — This is invoked only once. It is used to initialize the filter.

  • doFilter(HttpServletRequest request,HttpServletResponse response, FilterChain chain) — This method is invoked every time a user send a request to any resource, to which the filter is mapped. It is used to perform filtering tasks.

  • destroy() — This is invoked only once when filter is taken out of the service.

Servlet Container Diagram


Spring Interceptors are similar to Servlet Filters. An interceptor just allows custom pre-processing with the option of prohibiting the execution of the handler itself, and custom post-processing, having access to Spring Context.

  • preHandle(HttpServletRequest request, HttpServletResponse response, Object handler) — This is used to perform operations before sending the request to the controller. This method should return true to return the response to the client.

  • postHandle(HttpServletRequest request, HttpServletResponse response, Object handler,

  • ModelAndView modelAndView) — This is used to perform operations before sending the response to the client.

  • afterCompletion(HttpServletRequest request, HttpServletResponse response,

  • Object handler, Exception exception) — This is used to perform operations after completing the request and response.

HandlerInterceptor : HandlerInterceptor instances are executed as part of the request handling inside the DispatcherServlet (which implements javax.servlet.Servlet).

HandlerInterceptorAdapter: If you would like to provide a custom implementation and only care for a few of their methods (if you do not want to create empty methods that requires overriding), it is better to implement an adapter.

Filters vs HandlerInterceptors

  • Filter is related to the Servlet API and HandlerIntercepter is a Spring specific concept.

  • Interceptors will only execute after Filters.

  • Fine-grained pre-processing tasks are suitable for HandlerInterceptors (authorization checks, etc.)

  • Content handling related or generic flows are well-suited for Filters (such as multipart forms, zip compression, image handling, logging requests, authentication etc.)

  • Interceptor’s postHandle method will allow you to add more model objects to the view but you can not change the HttpServletResponse since it's already committed.

  • Filter’s doFilter method is much more versatile than Interceptor’s postHandle. You can change the request or response and pass it to the chain or even block the request processing.

  • A HandlerInterceptor gives more fine-grained control than a filter because you have access to the actual target “handler”. You can even check if the handler method has a specific annotation.

Filter vs. Interceptor in Spring Boot

Spring Cloud Gateway Custom Filters


Global Filters affect every single request.


Gateway Filters applies to only some routes.

Order: If we want to configure the position of the filter in the filter chain, we can retrieve an OrderedGatewayFilter instance.

Spring Cloud Gateway Custom Filters

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