DEBUG org.springframework.jdbc.core.StatementCreatorUtils :: JDBC getParameterType call failed - using fallback method instead: org.postgresql.util.PSQLException: ERROR: type "gdtcr.enum_reqeust_for" does not exist

JDBC getParameterType call failed - using fallback method instead: org.postgresql.util.PSQLException: ERROR: type "gdtcr.enum_reqeust_for" does not exist

{getToc} $title={Table of Contents} $count={true}


DEBUG org.springframework.jdbc.core.StatementCreatorUtils :: JDBC getParameterType call failed - using fallback method instead:

org.postgresql.util.PSQLException: ERROR: type "gdtcr.enum_reqeust_for" does not exist.

Understanding the Error

The error message we're encountering, ERROR: type "gdtcr.enum_reqeust_for" does not exist, indicates that there is an issue with the PostgreSQL database regarding an enum type that the application is trying to use. This error typically occurs when the application is trying to use a custom enum type (enum_reqeust_for in this case) that has not been defined or created in the PostgreSQL database.


Here are the steps to resolve this issue:

1. Define the Enum Type in PostgreSQL:

Ensure that the enum_reqeust_for type is defined in your PostgreSQL database. You can define an enum type using the CREATE TYPE statement. For example:

CREATE TYPE enum_reqeust_for AS ENUM ('VALUE1', 'VALUE2', 'VALUE3');

Replace 'VALUE1', 'VALUE2', 'VALUE3' with the actual values of your enum.

2. Check Enum Type Naming:

Double-check the naming consistency between your Spring Boot application code and the PostgreSQL database. Ensure that the enum type name is spelled correctly and matches the case used in the PostgreSQL database.

3. Update Database Schema:

After defining the enum type in PostgreSQL, make sure that your database schema is up to date. You may need to run any database migration scripts or update your Hibernate configuration to synchronize the changes.

4. Restart the Spring Boot Application:

After making the necessary changes, restart your Spring Boot application to apply the changes and re-establish the connection to the PostgreSQL database.

5. Update Application Code:

Ensure that your Spring Boot application code is using the correct enum type. Check the Java code where this enum is used and make sure the enum values match those defined in the PostgreSQL database.

@Column(name = "request_for", nullable = false)
private EnumReqeustFor requestFor;

Make sure that the EnumReqeustFor enum in your Java code corresponds to the PostgreSQL enum type.

6. Check Hibernate Dialect:

Verify that the Hibernate dialect in your Spring Boot application's or application.yml file is set to the correct PostgreSQL dialect. For example:


Ensure that org.hibernate.dialect.PostgreSQLDialect is specified as the Hibernate dialect.

If you're using Spring Boot with JDBC Template and not Hibernate, in your Spring Boot application code, where you use the JDBC Template, make sure that the enum type is correctly mapped. You may need to specify the type when setting parameters in your SQL queries.

// Assuming jdbcTemplate is your JdbcTemplate instance
String sql = "INSERT INTO your_table (request_for) VALUES (?)";
jdbcTemplate.update(sql, EnumReqeustFor.VALUE1);

Another option:
// Assuming jdbcTemplate is your JdbcTemplate instance
String sql = "INSERT INTO your_table (request_for) VALUES (?::gdtcr.enum_reqeust_for)";
jdbcTemplate.update(sql, VALUE);

Ensure that EnumReqeustFor corresponds to the PostgreSQL enum type, and the values match those defined in the database.

7. Debugging:

Enable debugging for the org.springframework.jdbc.core package to get more detailed logs about SQL statements being executed. Add the following line to your or application.yml:

This will provide more information about the JDBC operations and can help identify where the issue is occurring.

By following these steps, you should be able to resolve the problem with the PostgreSQL enum type not being recognized when using Spring Boot with JDBC Template.

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