Blockchain Technology Tutorial Part #3: Dive Deeper into the Advanced Topics

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Blockchain Technology Tutorial Part #3: Dive Deeper into the Advanced Topics


Welcome back to our blockchain technology tutorial series. In the first part, we have covered the fundamentals and benefits of blockchain technology. In the second part, we have focused on the development side of blockchain technology. And we showed you some of the tools and frameworks that you can use to create and interact with blockchain applications. We have also taught you how to use programming languages such as Solidity, JavaScript, Python etc. to write and deploy a simple blockchain application. And we have showed you how to test and deploy a simple blockchain application. 

In this part #3 of this tutorial, we will dive deeper into the advanced topics of blockchain technology such as:

  • Blockchain Development Challenges and Best Practices. 
  • Blockchain Development Trends and Opportunities. 
  • Blockchain Development Resources and Tips.

By the end of this part, you will have a wider and deeper knowledge of blockchain technology and its potential impact on various domains and industries.  So, let’s get started!


Blockchain Development Challenges and Best Practices

Blockchain development is not without its challenges and pitfalls. As a new and emerging technology, blockchain faces several technical, regulatory and social barriers that need to be overcome before it can achieve widespread adoption and impact. In this section, we will discuss some of the key challenges for blockchain development as well as some of the best practices and recommendations to address them.


Some of the main challenges for blockchain development are:

  • Lack of standardization: There is no universal agreement on the definition, design and implementation of blockchain technology. Different platforms, protocols and frameworks have different features, functionalities and limitations. This leads to issues such as interoperability, compatibility, portability and governance.
    For example:
    - How can different blockchains communicate and exchange data with each other?
    - How can users switch from one blockchain to another without losing their assets or identity?
    - How can blockchain developers ensure that their code is compliant with the relevant laws and regulations?

  • Scalability: Blockchain technology faces a trade-off between security, decentralization and performance. The more nodes participate in the network the more secure and decentralized it becomes, but also the more resources and time it consumes to reach consensus and validate transactions. This limits the throughput and latency of the network which affects its ability to handle large volumes of transactions and users.
    For example:
    - Bitcoin can process about 7 transactions per second (tps) while Ethereum can process about 15 tps. In contrast, Visa can process about 24,000 tps.

  • Security: Relies on cryptography and consensus algorithms to ensure the integrity and immutability of the data stored on the ledger. However, these mechanisms are not foolproof and can be vulnerable to various attacks and threats.
    For example:
    - There are 51% attack occurs when a malicious actor gains control of more than half of the network’s computing power and can manipulate or reverse transactions.
    - Sybil attack occurs when a malicious actor creates multiple fake identities or nodes to influence the network’s behavior.
    - Smart contract bug or vulnerability can result in the loss or theft of funds or data.

  • Privacy: Provides transparency and traceability of transactions and data on the ledger. However, this also raises privacy concerns for users and organizations that may not want to reveal their identities or sensitive information to the public or unauthorized parties.
    For example:
    - How can users protect their personal data or financial records from being exposed or exploited?
    - How can organizations comply with data protection regulations such as the General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR) or the California Consumer Privacy Act (CCPA)?

  • Adoption: Requires a paradigm shift in culture, behavior and ideology for both users and providers. Users need to understand and trust the technology and its benefits, as well as change their habits and preferences. Providers need to invest in infrastructure, skills and innovation. And also collaborate with other stakeholders and regulators.
    For example:
    - How can users be educated and incentivized to use blockchain applications
    - How can providers overcome the barriers of cost, complexity and competition? - How can regulators balance innovation and regulation?

Best Practices

Some of the best practices for blockchain development are:

  • Data minimization: Data minimization is the principle of storing only the essential data on the blockchain ledger while keeping the rest off-chain or encrypted. This can help reduce storage costs, improve performance and enhance privacy.
    For example:
    Instead of storing large files or personal data on the blockchain, one can store hashes or pointers that link to off-chain storage systems such as IPFS or cloud services.

  • Interoperability: Interoperability the ability of different blockchains to communicate and exchange data with each other seamlessly and securely. This can help create a more connected and efficient ecosystem that leverages the strengths of each blockchain platform.
    For example:
    One can use cross-chain protocols such as Cosmos or Polkadot to enable interoperability between blockchains based on different consensus algorithms or standards.

  • Testing: Testing, verifying and validating the functionality, performance, security and quality of the smart contract code. And can help detect and fix bugs, errors, vulnerabilities and inefficiencies before deploying the smart contract to the blockchain. It can be done at different levels such as unit testing, integration testing, simulation testing and formal verification. Testing can also be done on different environments such as local development networks, public test networks or main networks.

  • Debugging: Debugging is the process of finding and resolving the root cause of a problem or failure in the smart contract code. It can help identify and fix logical errors, syntax errors, runtime errors or unexpected behaviors in the smart contract. And can be done using various tools and methods such as breakpoints, step-by-step execution, variable inspection, event logging, stack traces or error messages. Debugging can also be done on different stages, such as before deployment, during deployment or after deployment.

  • Deployment: Deployment the smart contract code to a specific address on the blockchain network. And can be done using various tools and platforms such as Truffle, Remix IDE, Infura, MetaMask or web3.js. It can also be done on different networks such as local development networks, public test networks or main networks. And it requires paying a fee in the native cryptocurrency of the network (e.g., Ether for Ethereum) to cover the gas cost of executing the smart contract code.

Some of the best practices for testing, debugging, and deploying smart contracts are:

  • Write clear and concise code: Writing clear and concise code can help avoid confusion and ambiguity in the smart contract logic and behavior. It can also help improve readability and maintainability of the code. Use descriptive names for variables and functions, follow consistent coding style and conventions, add comments and documentation to explain the purpose and functionality of the code.

  • Use modular design: Modular design can help reduce complexity and redundancy in the smart contract code. It can also help improve reusability and testability of the code. Divide the smart contract into smaller and simpler components that perform specific tasks or functions. Use inheritance or composition to reuse existing components or libraries and use interfaces or abstract contracts to define common behaviors or standards.

  • Test your smart contracts extensively before deploying them: Before deploying your smart contracts to the blockchain network, make sure you test them thoroughly to catch any bugs or errors. Use different testing methods and tools to test your smart contracts at different levels and scenarios. Test frameworks such as Truffle Test or Hardhat Test to write and run automated tests for your smart contracts. And use debugging tools such as Truffle Debugger or Remix Debugger to debug your smart contracts step by step and inspect their state and execution. Simulation tools such as Ganache or Remix Simulator to test your smart contracts on a local blockchain network that mimics the real one.

  • Deploy your smart contracts carefully and securely: Deploying your smart contracts to the blockchain network is a critical and irreversible step that requires careful planning and preparation. And use reliable and secure tools and platforms to deploy your smart contracts to the network of your choice. Migration scripts to automate and manage your deployment process. Verification tools such as Etherscan or Sourcify to verify your smart contract source code on the blockchain explorer. And use monitoring tools such as Tenderly or Blocknative to monitor your smart contract activity and performance on the blockchain network.

  • Audit your smart contracts regularly: Auditing your smart contracts is an important practice to ensure their security and quality. Auditing can help identify and fix any vulnerabilities or issues that may compromise your smart contract functionality or integrity. It can be done by yourself or by external experts or organizations that specialize in smart contract security analysis. Use static analysis tools such as Slither or MythX to scan your smart contract code for common vulnerabilities or errors. And use dynamic analysis tools such as Manticore or Echidna to run symbolic execution or fuzz testing on your smart contract code. Tools such as K Framework or CertiK to prove mathematically that your smart contract code meets its specifications.

Blockchain Development Trends and Opportunities:

Blockchain development is not only a challenging and rewarding career path, but also a dynamic and evolving field that offers many opportunities for innovation and impact. This technology has the potential to transform various industries and sectors such as finance, supply chain, healthcare, education and energy. It can also enable new business models and value propositions such as decentralized applications (DApps), decentralized autonomous organizations (DAOs), decentralized finance (DeFi) and non-fungible tokens (NFTs). Blockchain technology can also contribute to social good and sustainable development goals such as financial inclusion, digital identity, environmental protection and more.

Blockchain development will continue to grow and evolve, driven by various trends and factors such as:

  • Green blockchain initiatives: Technology becomes more mainstream and widely adopted, its environmental impact and carbon footprint will also become more significant and visible. This will create a need and an opportunity for blockchain developers to design and implement more energy-efficient and eco-friendly solutions such as using renewable energy sources, adopting proof-of-stake (PoS) consensus algorithms, optimizing code and protocols or offsetting emissions.

  • Interoperability: Ecosystem becomes more diverse and complex, with multiple platforms, protocols, standards, applications, coexisting and competing. It will become a key challenge and a key opportunity for blockchain developers. And it refers to the ability of different blockchains to communicate and exchange data with each other seamlessly and securely. This can enable more collaboration, innovation and efficiency across the blockchain space. Blockchain developers can leverage various tools and methods to achieve interoperability such as using cross-chain protocols, bridges, oracles or wrappers.

  • Regulation: More mature and influential, it will also attract more attention and scrutiny from regulators and policymakers. Regulation can have both positive and negative effects on blockchain development. On one hand, regulation can provide clarity, legitimacy and protection for blockchain developers and users. And it can also impose restrictions, limitations or barriers for blockchain development. Developers need to be aware of and comply with the relevant laws and regulations in their jurisdictions or markets. They also need to engage with regulators and policymakers to advocate for fair and balanced regulation that supports innovation and growth.

  • Education: It will also create more demand and interest for blockchain education. Education can help bridge the knowledge gap and skill gap in the blockchain space and can also help foster a more diverse and inclusive blockchain community. The developers can play an important role in providing education for themselves and others. They can learn new skills and technologies through various online courses, platforms or communities. And can also share their knowledge and experience through teaching, mentoring or creating content.

  • Innovation: It becomes more advanced, versatile and will also create more possibilities and opportunities for innovation. And can help solve existing problems or create new value in various domains. Blockchain developers can leverage their creativity and curiosity to explore new ideas and applications for blockchain technology. Collaborate with other developers or stakeholders to co-create innovative solutions.

Blockchain Development Resources and Tips:

Development is a rewarding but challenging career path that requires constant learning and improvement. Blockchain technology is constantly evolving and expanding with new platforms, tools, frameworks and applications emerging every day. Developers need to keep up with the latest trends and innovations as well as master the fundamentals and best practices of blockchain development.
Fortunately, there are many resources and tips available for blockchain developers to learn and grow their skills and knowledge.


Some of the resources that can help blockchain developers are:
  • Online courses: This is a great way to learn the basics and advanced topics of blockchain development from experts and instructors. It can provide structured and interactive learning experiences, with lectures, quizzes, assignments, projects and certificates. Online courses available for blockchain development, covering various platforms, languages, frameworks and applications.
    Some examples are:
    • Blockchain Fundamentals by Coursera.
    • Ethereum and Solidity: The Complete Developer’s Guide by Udemy.
    • Blockchain Developer Nanodegree by Udacity.
    • Blockchain Essentials by IBM.
    • Blockchain Specialization by University at Buffalo.

  • Books: Books are another great way to learn the theory and practice of blockchain development from authors and experts. It can provide comprehensive and in-depth knowledge, with explanations, examples, diagrams and exercises. And blockchain development covering various aspects and perspectives of blockchain technology such as:
    • Mastering Bitcoin: Programming the Open Blockchain by Andreas M. Antonopoulos.
    • Building Blockchain Projects by Narayan Prusty.
    • Solidity Programming Essentials by Ritesh Modi.
    • Blockchain Basics: A Non-Technical Introduction in 25 Steps by Daniel Drescher.
    • The Truth Machine: The Blockchain and the Future of Everything by Michael J. Casey and Paul Vigna.

  • Blogs: It's another great way to learn the latest news and insights of blockchain development from writers and influencers. Blogs can provide timely and relevant information, with opinions, analysis, tips, tutorials and case studies. It's available for blockchain development covering various topics and platforms of blockchain technology such as:
  • Podcasts: Podcasts are another great way to learn the trends and stories of blockchain development from hosts and guests. It can provide engaging and conversational content with interviews, discussions, reviews and recommendations. Podcasts available for blockchain development covering various aspects and domains of blockchain technology. Some examples are:
    • The Blockchain Developer Podcast by Rhian Lewis.
    • Unchained Podcast by Laura Shin.
    • Epicenter Podcast by Epicenter Media Ltd.
    • The Bitcoin Podcast Network by The Bitcoin Podcast Network.
    • Zero Knowledge Podcast by Anna Rose and Fredrik Harrysson.

  • Communities: To learn and connect with other blockchain developers from around the world. Communities can provide support and feedback with questions, answers, comments, suggestions and collaborations. It is available for blockchain development covering various platforms, languages, frameworks and applications of blockchain technology such as:
    • Stack Exchange Ethereum Community by Stack Exchange.
    • Reddit Ethereum Community by Reddit.
    • Discord Ethereum Community by Discord.
    • Telegram Ethereum Community by Telegram.
    • GitHub Ethereum Community by GitHub.


Some of the tips that can help blockchain developers:
  • Start with the basics: Before diving into the complex and advanced topics of blockchain development, it is important to have a solid foundation of the basic concepts and principles of blockchain technology.
    This includes understanding:
    - What a blockchain is.
    - How it works.
    - its benefits and challenges.
    - The different types and categories of blockchains.
    - Common use cases and applications of blockchains.
    - And what are the key terms and definitions related to blockchains.

    Having a clear and comprehensive grasp of the basics will help you learn faster and easier as well as avoid confusion and mistakes later on.

  • Choose your platform and language: You need to choose your platform and language for blockchain development. This depends on your goals, preferences and skills. There are many platforms and languages available for blockchain development each with its own features, advantages and disadvantages.
    Some of the most popular and widely used platforms and languages are:
    • Ethereum: A decentralized platform that enables anyone to create and run smart contracts and decentralized applications (DApps) on its blockchain. It uses its own native cryptocurrency called Ether (ETH) to power its network and transactions. Ethereum also has its own programming language called Solidity which is designed for writing smart contracts. And solidity is a high-level, object-oriented, contract-oriented language that is influenced by C++, Python and JavaScript.
    • Hyperledger: An open-source project that provides a collection of frameworks, tools and libraries for enterprise-grade blockchain development. Hyperledger aims to enable businesses to create and run scalable, secure and interoperable blockchain solutions for various domains and industries. And it supports multiple programming languages such as Java, Go, JavaScript, Python and C++.
    • Corda: Corda is an open-source platform that enables businesses to transact directly and privately using smart contracts. It is designed for building permissioned blockchains for specific use cases and industries, such as finance, healthcare, trade finance and supply chain. It uses a flow framework that allows developers to write business logic in any JVM-compatible language such as Java or Kotlin.

  • Learn by doing: Reading books or watching videos can only give you theoretical knowledge, but not practical skills. To become a proficient blockchain developer you need to practice and apply what you learn by building real projects and solving real problems. You can start with simple projects that demonstrate the basic features and functionalities of blockchain technology such as creating your own cryptocurrency or smart contract. Then you can move on to more complex and challenging projects that involve multiple components and integrations such as creating your own DApp or DAO. And participate in online courses or bootcamps that provide hands-on projects and guidance from instructors or mentors.

  • Keep learning and improving: This technology is constantly changing and expanding with new platforms, tools, frameworks and applications emerging every day. Blockchain developers need to keep up with the latest trends and innovations as well as master the fundamentals and best practices of blockchain development. You can keep learning and improving by reading blogs or newsletters, listening to podcasts or webinars, watching videos or tutorials, attending events or conferences, joining communities or forums and following experts or influencers in the blockchain space.


Blockchain development is an exciting and rewarding career path that offers many opportunities for innovation and impact. It has the potential to transform various industries and sectors as well as enable new business models and value propositions. For development requires a combination of technical skills such as programming languages, frameworks and tools as well as conceptual skills, such as blockchain fundamentals, principles and use cases.

If you want to become a blockchain developer, you need to follow these steps:

  • Start with the basics: Learn the basic concepts and principles of blockchain technology and its benefits and challenges.
  • Choose your platform and language: Choose the platform and language that suit your goals, preferences and skills for blockchain development.
  • Learn by doing: Practice and apply what you learn by building real projects and solving real problems using blockchain technology.
  • Keep learning and improving: Keep up with the latest trends and innovations in the blockchain space as well as master the fundamentals and best practices of blockchain development.

By following these steps, you can become a successful blockchain developer who can create and deploy blockchain applications and systems that can solve problems and create value for various domains and industries.

I hope this blog has helped you understand:
  • The blockchain development.
  • What blockchain developers do.
  • How to become a blockchain developer.
  • And what are the resources and tips for blockchain development.

If you have any questions or feedback, please feel free to leave a comment below. Thanks!

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